The new, revised, third edition of The Spirits’ Book marks an exceptional moment for the Spiritist thought in America and the World. The linguistic quality of the text and the creative art of the interior truly separate it from any other version. Allan Kardec was a stickler for details, and that attitude was what guided the last three years of work on the book.
The book is available from Amazon and B&N. A digital version for Kindle introduces a selection of especially designed color illustrations, and magnificent pictures of the Milky Way. The art work throughout the book invites the reader to think beyond the short journey of this life and contemplate our place in the Universe. The art work is an elegant way of expressing the timelessness of the spirits’ message.
We encourage you to visit the SES website (www.spiritisteducationalsociety.org) to learn more about this classic and join a community committed to publishing the classic works of Allan Kardec. Please, like SES on Facebook.
I’ve read 5 different editions of the “Spirits Book” and enthusiastically look forward to reading this latest edition.
It is the only book in this existence that I can read many times over and each time learn more; gaining a better understanding of who I am and my place in lives of others.
Without question the “Spirits Book” is a life changing experience that one never forgets. It echoes in harmony within the soul.
Thank you for your hard work in preserving the greatest gift to mankind.
There is also a good movie about Allen Kardec’s life on Netflix for those who may be interested.
Many Blessings