

On Wednesday, January 25, 2023, Marcelo concluded his journey on Earth. He returned to freedom and was welcomed (we are sure) by a large cast of friends who inspired, from the spirit realm, his travails in the body. Marcelo was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1949, and...


The Near Death Experience (NDE) is not a new phenomenon or construct of the “New Age”.  Throughout human history people survived brushes with death, reporting entering another dimension of life, having feelings of unfading peace, passing through a tunnel towards a...

Spiritist Philosophy Is Incomplete

The Spiritist philosophy is conspicuously missing a “life-time review” as a common documented element of the death process.  The omission begs the question: Is the Spiritist Philosophy incomplete? Our previous article noted that none of the works by Allan Kardec (or...

Life-Review: An Spiritist Omission?

“Somewhere in my unconscious is a non-judgmental Recorder that notices and understands with love, even when I (consciously) don't.”Nowadays this is a puzzling observation. Neither Psychology nor Psychiatry nor Neurology ever referred to the existence of such a...

New Heights For The Human Consciousness

Ellen was in awe of the light, the intensity and beauty of the colors, and the lightness of the space where she found herself. Love was all pervading, and she felt that she had become the love that enveloped her. Almost simultaneously she felt a deep awareness that we...


Lord, can’t hear you! Speak louder, please! Covid19 has been awful. Except, I guess, for those who believe it’s a political fabrication. Why do we have to endure so many tragic deaths, watch a world helplessly paralyzed, and be at risk of losing our minds? For almost...

Delusions About Spirits

“Since this morning I’ve been dizzy, it must be some bad spiritual energy.” “We need spiritual healing; my family is beset by dark spirits.” “Spirits don’t let me sleep.  I can’t get any rest.”I can’t recall how many times I heard or read such common concerns like...

Integrative Medicine + Spirit

Has the future finally come? Are we entering the era of medicine when the consciousness inhabiting the flesh is addressed by medical science? This “prophecy”, if I may use this word as a non-religious anticipation of the future, has been announced for the last fifty...


The world has never seemed so surreal for us. Over 40 million affected by the Coronavirus and over one million people dead. Almost every country struggling to protect their populations and unable to stop the spread of an insidious enemy. The fear of death has become a...

The Afterlife Through Fresh Eyes

Time and culture color writers’ interpretation of what they see and experience and therefore play a large role in shaping their view of reality.  Two gifted spirit writers report their afterlife experiences more than 50 years apart and allows us to experience with...
The Incredible Book

The Incredible Book

This is a story that, not unlike many others, is set against a background of pain.  Apart from one unusual element, it’s not very different from others because, no matter where they occur or what words are used to express them, human emotions share a common tongue. It...

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The SB Question on Social Engagement

The SB Question on Social Engagement

It’s hard to ignore the numbers of cases of Covid 19 spread across TV, Facebook, and seemingly everywhere. It’s hard to turn away from the reports about the virus, to ignore the stories of people dying without a loved one by their side, to be unaffected by the...

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An Exceptional Moment for the Spiritist Literature

An Exceptional Moment for the Spiritist Literature

The new, revised, third edition of The Spirits’ Book marks an exceptional moment for the Spiritist thought in America and the World. The linguistic quality of the text and the creative art of the interior truly separate it from any other version. Allan Kardec...

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Pandemics and the Will of God

Pandemics and the Will of God

In these extraordinary times, religious remarks such as these seem common: “Nobody dies before their time”, “God is in control”, “Jesus is my sanitizer”, and “In God’s plans, nothing happens by chance.” These remarks are voiced by people from various religious...

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Meditation: get me more time.

Meditation: get me more time.

Meditative practices are a door to a richer inner life. No matter the format or tradition, in meditation the mind is absorbed in quiet and detached from the messages of the senses. The goal is to build within a state of...

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