
Spiritists, What Are We?
The shared belief is that the human consciousness, or soul, continues to exist beyond the physical body.
The Incredible Book
This is a story that, not unlike many others, is set against a background of pain. Apart from one unusual element, it’s not very different from others because, no matter where they occur or what words are used to express them, human emotions share a common tongue. It...
The SB Question on Social Engagement
It’s hard to ignore the numbers of cases of Covid 19 spread across TV, Facebook, and seemingly everywhere. It’s hard to turn away from the reports about the virus, to ignore the stories of people dying without a loved one by their side, to be unaffected by the...
An Exceptional Moment for the Spiritist Literature
The new, revised, third edition of The Spirits’ Book marks an exceptional moment for the Spiritist thought in America and the World. The linguistic quality of the text and the creative art of the interior truly separate it from any other version. Allan Kardec...
Pandemics and the Will of God
In these extraordinary times, religious remarks such as these seem common: “Nobody dies before their time”, “God is in control”, “Jesus is my sanitizer”, and “In God’s plans, nothing happens by chance.” These remarks are voiced by people from various religious...
Meditation: get me more time.
Meditative practices are a door to a richer inner life. No matter the format or tradition, in meditation the mind is absorbed in quiet and detached from the messages of the senses. The goal is to build within a state of...